Gift #3
Cord organizers are small and simple, but very practical! We all have cords–in drawers, purses, nightstands, counters–it's like they multiply! These cord organizers will keep those phone cords or earbuds from getting tangled in your drawer or purse, and if you have multiple people in your house with electronics, they keep those cords separate and organized. They are a small, low-cost gift that makes a great stocking stuffer or a great addition to an electronic gift.
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These make great kid gifts! Each cord organizer is unique, and there are a lot of choices to fit different personalities. Try pairing a cord organizer with a new phone, a pop socket, and a thumbs up cell phone stand holder to personalize the gift. The newest iPhone available right now is the iPhone 14, but an older version is still a great gift for a preteen/teenager and a cheaper option.
If you're looking for a low-cost gift, cord organizers are still a great option! Pair them with a pair of earbuds, and they are a great stocking stuffer. Apple earbuds have always been the most reliable for me, but you can also get a pair of earbuds at 5 Below or the Target Dollar Spot for an even cheaper option. But Amazon Prime Day is coming up July 11th - 12th, and they will have great deals on electronics like Apple earbuds, so this is the time grab the longest-lasting earbud option. Then come see me during the craft fair on September 23rd for a cord organizer to go with it!
Don't forget to mark your calendars for the Pints in the Park Craft Fair!

Sat Sep 23, 2023 from 12:00 pm to 10:00 pm at
Casey Jones Park, 4189 State Highway 86, Elizabeth, CO.